Do's & Dont's For Solar Panel Installation In 2024

Thinking about embracing solar in 2024? Congratulations you have taken a remarkable step towards gaining energy independence. However, make sure you know all the dos and don’ts of solar panel installation so you can enjoy a seamless transition. Our Solar Panels Maui experts throw light on these one by one.


  • Ensure that you go solar as early as possible 

Every year when spring approaches, people are all of a sudden reminded about the incredible perks of solar.

This results in delayed installations as the more busy the installers are, the more difficult it will be for you to get your personalized solar assessments conveniently.

Thus, it is better to stay ahead of the crowd and book your solar consultation much before time so you get a hassle-free experience.

  • Choose a trustworthy solar firm

This is one of the most critical decisions you’ll make in your solar journey. Take the time to analyze different Solar Panels companies, and compare them based on ratings, reviews, or testimonials. Getting a referral from a friend or relative will be even better. 


  • Avoid falling into the trap of cheap installation providers

Experts suggest that solar frauds are going to become even more common in 2024. That’s why it's better to be safe than sorry. Look for the obvious red flags like claims of offering services at unbelievably low prices, not showing the necessary certifications, lack of professionalism, etc.

  • Don’t tread the DIY path

You will find all sorts of videos and articles on the internet boating highly about the advantages of performing the installation “on your own”. The reality is that solar specialists always advise against this due to potential safety concerns.

To conclude 

Make WikiWiki Solar & Electric your solar partner for 2024 and beyond. We will help you with your solar needs right from the start to the end. The residents of the region trust our expertise because we are the premier certified Tesla solar panel installer Maui company. Get in touch to learn more about how our services can benefit you.


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